Variable Costs

Many care and nursing homes wish to charge for "extras" such as Hairdressing, Chiropody, etc. This is achieved through setting up Variable Costs.
The required Variable Costs are set up in the Invoice Charge Types screen and assigned as "Variable Lump Sum" in the "Type" column. A Charge Template can then be created for each resident who is to be charged or alternatively, the charges can be added to an existing charge template if required. Multiple lines can be added to charge templates if several different charges are required. N.B. The "Nett" field for these charges should be left as "0.00".
Once a Variable Cost template has been created, a charge line will appear in the Update Variable Costs screen where the values to be charged are entered.
As an alternative to entering the values manually, they can be imported from a spreadsheet, Import Variable Costs from Excel Workbook gives details on this.
When the invoicing run for these costs has been completed they can be reset to zero by using the Set Variable Costs to Zero option.