CareMaster User Guide

Resident Details

Click on the "Reports" tab and then select "Resident" followed by "Resident Details" from the menu options list.
The "Client List" screen will now be displayed.
This is a "snapshot" report and will give data as at the selected date. In the case of a multi-home installation it can be run for either all homes or an individual home. The report can also be run in either "Summary", "Summary by Resident Category" or "Detailed" format, an example of each of these is given below.
When the required criteria have been selected, click on "OK" to continue.
The printer dialog box will be displayed to allow the user to select which printer to send the report to.
Click on "OK" to continue. A print preview will now be displayed allowing a final check before printing, the report can now be printed or exported from this screen.
Summary by Resident Category: