CareMaster User Guide

Next of Kin List

This report will give a list of Next of Kin addresses that have been entered through the Contacts screen. It can be output as a printed list or as a CSV file if you wish to use the data for a mail merge. Click on the "Reports" tab and then select "Resident" followed by "Next of Kin List" from the menu options list.
The "Next of Kin List" screen will appear.
Choose the home you wish to run the report for or leave blank if you want to run it for all homes. If you want to produce a CSV file tick the box. Click on "OK" to continue.
If you did not choose the CSV option you will then see the following report preview allowing a final check before printing, the report can then be printed or exported from this screen.
If you chose the CSV option, you will see the following screen.
Click on "Yes" if you wish to continue or "No" to cancel. If you click on "Yes" you will then see the following confirmation screen.
Make a note of the file location and then click on "OK" to close the screen. Navigate to the location shown and you can then view the created file with either a spreadsheet program or a text file viewer.