The tenth tab on the Residents screen is headed "Incidents", this allows the user to record any accidents or incidents that have occured for each resident in the home and to report on them.
Before entering any data on this screen you should first create some incident types. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu and click on "Sundry" followed by Resident Incident Types.
To add a new record, click on the "Add" button on the left, the "Add an Incident Record" screen will appear.
Click on the drop down button to select an Incident Type and then move across to the Incident Date field. Clicking on the drop down button will display a calendar so that you can select a date, or if you wish, you can type the date directly into the field. If a hospital visit was required enter the Admission Date. The Hospital Return Date may be added later if necessary. There are four text boxes on the screen headed "Accident Details", "Wound Details", "Infection Control" and "Notes", data can be entered in any or all of these fields as required. When you have finished entering information click on "OK" to save the record.
If you wish to edit an existing record, highlight the relevant line and click the "Edit" button, when you have finished adding or amending data, click on "OK" to save the record.
If you wish to view an existing record, highlight the relevant line and click the "View" button. (N.B. The View screen is not editable).
If you wish to delete an existing record, highlight the relevant line and click the "Del" button. You will be asked to confirm your choice.
Click on "Yes" to confirm the deletion or "No" to cancel.
You can run reports detailing incidents by going to Resident Incident Report on the Reports menu.