Average Fee Rate

Click on the "Reports" tab to bring up the list of options and then select "Invoicing & Financial" followed by "Average Fee Rate" from the menu options list.
The "Average Fee Report" screen will appear.
This report calculates the average fee rates "as at" a specific date. Select the date you wish the report to be run for, then select the Home or leave blank for all homes. There is then a sort option, this report can be sorted by "Resident Type, Resident Category, Local Authority Care Need or Funding Source". There is one further choice to be made, either "Detailed" or "Summary". The Detailed version of the report lists each resident and their fees with a calculated average at the bottom of each section. The Summary version gives one line for each sort option with home and overall totals.
When you have made your selections, click on "OK".
You will then be asked to confirm your choice.
Click on "Yes" to continue or "No" to cancel.
A print preview will now be displayed allowing a final check before printing, the report can be printed or exported from this screen.