CareMaster User Guide

Actual/Expected Invoice Comparison

This report will produce a list of expected invoicing for a given month (based on the charge templates that have been created) compared with what has actually been invoiced. Click on the "Reports" tab to bring up the list of options and then select "Invoicing & Financial" followed by "Actual/Expected Invoice Comparison" from the menu options list.
The "Actual/Expected Invoice Comparison" screen will appear.
Select the home you wish to run the report for, or leave blank for all homes. Then select a date range (N.B. This report can only be run for complete months). In the box below the date ranges enter a variance percentage (if you have a mixture of Calendar Monthly and Periodic Invoice Periods, there are likely to be variances because some invoice periods overlap month ends), if you want to see everything enter '-1', otherwise choose a suitable figure. Finally select the output type.
If you chose 'screen', a print preview will now be displayed allowing a final check before printing, the report can now be printed or exported from this screen.